Want to have a school full of students reading on grade level but don’t know how?
I know that time is valuable, so I promise not to waste it. There is a big problem in the education field right now.
Actually, there are three BIG problems.

Problem 1
We have students entering classrooms already reading below grade level.

Problem 1
We have students entering classrooms already reading below grade level.

Problem 2
We have teachers who may not have received training in how to teach students to read.

Problem 2
We have teachers who may not have received training in how to teach students to read.

Problem 3
We have so many programs that can be confusing and time consuming to implement.

Problem 3
We have so many programs that can be confusing and time consuming to implement.

I am going to put an end to all of this right here and now without wasting any more time.
There is a way to see results QUICKLY with students who enter school already below grade level
There is an EASY way to give teachers the knowledge they need to work their magic in the classroom (because who wants to spend countless hours going through professional development that won’t ever be used?)
There is a way to SIMPLY teach students how to read without all the extra bells and whistles
I have created a straightforward process with simplified materials to bring struggling readers to grade level.

This framework covers 6 steps that will close the reading gap with struggling students along with a brochure explaining how we can work together!
I have created a straightforward process with simplified materials to bring struggling readers to grade level.

This framework covers 6 steps that will close the reading gap with struggling students along with a brochure explaining how we can work together!