In step 1 of the Sight Word Mastery Method, we covered the need to pinpoint the words we would cover over the course of the school year. Now that we’ve established the importance of sight words, we’re ready to dive into step 2, which is to plan.
Here is something to sink your teeth into when it comes to teaching sight words with this method-if you follow these steps, I guarantee you are going to develop successful readers in your classroom.
A Review of Step 1
Last week we covered what it means to pinpoint the words you will be teaching during the year. If you don’t have a list of words to use, then you can decide between the Fry and the Dolch list, if one is not already provided for you.
Then you need to determine the words you are going to teach and expect that your students will have mastered by the end of the year. It’s important to distinguish between merely introducing a word and mastering a word. How many words will the students have actually mastered by the end of the year? This is the list you need to solidify.
Moving forward to Step 2: Plan
Once we have decided which list you are using and which words students will master by the end of the grade level, you are ready to plan.
To begin, get out your school calendar. Mark off any vacation days or days kids won’t be in school. Then you are going to plug in which words will be introduced each week. Take the word list you have and plug those into the calendar.
Next, you will go back through the calendar to allocate time for practice. This is a critical step that often gets overlooked. You also have to make time for review. As a teacher, you cannot introduce a word one week, move on, and still expect word mastery.
The Reality We Have to Face
It is not enough to randomly revisit words, make a word wall, or show students sight word flashcards that they practice when they are waiting in line. Students must be able to have a specific time to practice reading and applying words they’ve learned in context.
If you’ve got too much on your plate to try to make sure you plan out and teach your sight words to mastery, I totally understand. I definitely want to reduce your load, not add to it.
That’s where I can simplify things. I have a resource available for you that will allow you to walk into your classroom and have a plan for not only teaching your kids sight words but ensuring that they master them.
Be sure to check out Step 3 of the Sight Word Mastery Method next!
And if you haven’t already, make sure to grab you FREE Sight Word Intervention Quick Start Guide!